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Spring Planting Finally Begun

The beginning of spring was March 20, and in Florida spring can start in mid February. Needless to say, I am behind on veggie planting. I didn't let that stop me, though. That just means I can skip seeds and go right to little plants... immediate gratification. After 5 hours in the garden I now have 8 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes, tomatillos, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, watermelon, Japanese eggplant, jalapenos, and a few less weeds. Tomorrow I will put some Wando peas seeds, jalapeno seeds, and watermellon seeds in the beds to fill in the empty spaces. Also, finally after about 2 years of growing from a pineapple decapitation, we have our first pineapple peeking from the center of the razor sharp pineapple leaves. I have no idea how long until maturity, but it will be fun to watch it develop.

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Taylor Farm NSB, LLC

New Smyrna Beach, FL

Taylor Farm NSB, LLC  2023

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